Friday, January 29, 2010

Roots, Branches, or...Both?

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots." ~Marcus Garvey

And so I ask, how can we grow without roots? We grow many branches throughout our lives; but our roots, wherever they began, wherever they are, wherever they end up, are an important part of who we are. We may choose to embrace them or discard them, but we cannot ignore them.

Students, I am really impressed with the Where I'm From poems you wrote! Each of you took an introspective look into your past and shared pieces of your history that make you unique. Remember our connection to World Literature for this assignment: Our goal is to first examine our individual past and culture; to appreciate our own uniqueness, so that we can then have a deeper appreciation for the different cultures and literary histories of other people.

I told you that while you were working on your polished pieces, I would be working as well. I shared with you that I have written several of these poems. I find that no matter how much I write, there is still much to tell. Since I have already shared a poem that is reflective of my childhood,I focused on more recent aspects of my life for this particular poem. I hope you enjoy.

Where I'm From...

I am from the hardwood floors we sanded and stained ourselves, Great Value coffee perking on the stove, and a living room overflowing with Barbies.

I am from the grey house and our big front porch where we sit on our wooden swing and watch the sunset in the west. Here, we marvel at all the colors of the sky.

I am from the butterfly bushes and the “Lydia tulips” I planted when she was in my belly. From the yard where we danced barefoot in the rain and flew like airplanes one summer evening, too happy to care whether anyone was watching.

I am from pulling out my china on Christmas morning to serve breakfast, from honesty is the best policy, from Robert, Lydia, Lil Bit, and Sophie, too.

I am from the husband who leads me by example in love, and Saturday mornings when I can snuggle on the couch with my daughter.

From “I love you more than a pig loves slop” and “Friends? Best Friends. Forever? Forever and ever.”

I am from Baptists, couples devotions, and the belief that God must be the center of our marriage.

I am from Stoneville, where my husband’s entire family once occupied every house on the road (or so it seems to me), from potato soup when I’m sick, and rice and beans in the crock pot when there’s snow on the ground.

I am from late nights long ago, before Bob and Delta had a kid or dogs, the kitchen with my Brady Bunch floor and my matching stove, and the hall that houses our family’s military history.

I am from the scrapbooks, one for each year, each one two inches thick. The ones I have pieced together with painstaking love so that my daughter will remember and know that she is loved.

~Mrs. Rorrer
January 28, 2010


  1. Amanda hope you get my comment I'm very proud of you. You are still the apple of my eye. Love Ya!!!! DAD

  2. mrs rorrer i love this. its really great to know that while we are doing stuff like this, you are thinking about us and doing the same thing too. :)
