Monday, May 24, 2010

A New Journey Begins...

“We do not understand the intricate pattern of the stars in their courses, but we know that He who created them does, and just as surely as He guides them, He is charting a safe course for us.” ~ Billy Graham

The author T.S. Eliot wrote, “The end is also a beginning. The end is where we start from.” Now that my college graduation has come and gone, I see the truth in these words. As I sat at commencement in my cap and gown, I smiled as I remembered that first semester when my husband had to help me with math homework. I remembered that first day I toured the campus of UNCG and cried because it was so big and I was sure I would not be able to find my classes. My husband took my hand and told me all the reasons why I could do it. I still remember the overwhelming feeling that I would be lost or somehow swallowed up in all of the vastness of the campus. I remembered the days I would sit and study on the bench beneath the shade tree, sipping coffee to stay awake, determined to pass the next test. Everything was new and different when I began this journey, but with each step, God saw me safely through.

One fellow graduate candidly told me that I had “worked too hard”, and that the journey would have been more fun if I “had a life.” I just smiled and looked into the stands where I could see all the parents and grandparents who gave me life and instilled in me the values of hard work and perseverance. It was them who had confidence in me, believed I could do anything, including the impossible, and told me so. I looked at my husband and my daughter and I thought about how rich and blessed my life really is.

The commencement speaker read Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken,” and as I heard those familiar words, I couldn’t help but think of all the roads that led me to that moment in time. Different choices would have meant different roads and ultimately, a different me. Like the traveler in Frost’s poem, I too have taken the road less traveled. Some might think my life has been backwards, that I should have completed college before having a family. But for me, that support system of strong husband and family has made all the difference.

After graduation, I now find myself at another crossroad in the woods. An end that is really a beginning. An opportunity and an empowerment to expand myself and spread my wings. For me, as so many other graduates, this is a moment in time where I hang in the balance and the future looks and feels uncertain. Everyone keeps asking me where I will go from here. Of course I have plans, but the truth is, I have learned not to put too much stock in my own plans, especially since I don’t control the future. I have done my part to finish this portion of the journey and to finish well. I know in my heart who directs my path and I am confident that He will continue to guide me.

As I end this journey and begin a new one into the unknown future, I realize that I am changed. But it’s not the degree that changed me. Rather, it’s the years that have passed and the occurrences they brought with them. It’s the challenges that have been met and overcome. It’s the knowledge I have gained from both books and life; it’s what I choose to do with that knowledge which motivates me to enrich the lives of others. No matter how uncertain the economy, the job market, or the future may seem, no matter what challenges are ahead, I know things will turn out fine. I will find the path that God has for me and fill a future that is uniquely mine. And so, let this new journey begin…

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,

    I enjoyed reading this post and can definitely relate to how you felt your first year back and when you toured the UNCG campus. I also wholeheartedly agree with your statement of while it may seem backwards to some, our course taken is just the way it was meant to be for us. I would have never chosen my major of special education had my life not been touched by the experience of having a son with Cerebral Palsy. It is comforting to know that God is in control and has a plan and purpose for all of us! :)
