Sunday, May 2, 2010

Letter to my 3rd block class...

Dear 3rd Block,
Over the last four months, you and every student in our class has found a special place within my heart. From the first day of class, you challenged me as a new teacher and I often wondered if I was teaching you anything at all. Now that our time together as a class has come to an end, I want to tell you that it was YOU who taught me more than I could possibly have taught you. It was your class that taught me what it really means for a teacher to love her students. You taught me that in order for me to remain in this profession for years to come as I have planned, I need to see my students as individuals and that I must love each one in a unique way. And now I feel as if I’m leaving you or walking out empty handed. It is hard for me to go, but we both must move on. I want to give you something to reflect on, some knowledge, some sort of wisdom; something as special as what you have given me. I remembered a piece of paper I keep tucked away that was given to me years ago by my 6th grade teacher. I didn’t understand this piece at the time, but I have read it over and over through the years and I have found it to be very inspiring. The original piece was written by Paula Bachleda, and she offers some advice to some of life’s basic questions.

Who? It took me a while to realize that this is probably the most important question of all. Take time to discover who you are and be your own person. Strive to be honest, respectful, and happy. When you are at peace with yourself, everything else will fall into place. Just be careful not to wrap your identity in possessions. Allow yourself to grow and change. And remember always that you are not alone—you have your family, your friends, your guardian angel and God (not necessarily in that order!).

What? This is the tricky one, and at first this question had me fooled. I thought the question was, “What will I do today?” However, I found that things got really interesting when I instead asked, “What is my passion?” Discover what it is that burns inside you and keeps you going, then nurture it. Take it apart and build it back together. Do whatever you want with it, but never let it from your sight. Do it because that’s what you love to do. The joy that it brings you will keep you going through some of the doldrums of life.

When? This is the sneaky one. Do not ignore it. It will keep you balanced. Some things are best done now. Procrastination usually just creates more work. But keep in mind that there is a season for everything, and keep in mind that some things are better left for another day. As hard as it may be, remember to take time to rest and enjoy the miracle of each new day. With practice, you will learn the pleasure of doing some things now and the unique delight of waiting and planning for others.

Where? Surprisingly, this is the easiest one. You will always have the answer with you if you keep your home in your heart and put your heart into wherever you call home. Be an active part of your community and you will discover the special charm that will endear it to you. Remember always that the simplest act of kindness can make a difference, and that you can change the world.

Why? Never stop asking this one. It’s the one that will keep you growing. Let it. Let it challenge you when you’ve become too complacent. Let it shout at you when you are making decisions. Let it whisper to you when you lose sight of who you are or where you want to be. But you also need to be careful with this one. Sometimes the answer does not come for years, and sometimes it doesn’t come at all. Recognizing that basic fact can keep you sane and allow you to move on.

How? Ah, this is the one on which I can’t advise you! This is the one you will answer in your own special way. Just remember to believe in yourself and in miracles. Remember that the greatest discoveries come after stumbling over questions. Never think you know enough to stop learning. Instead challenge yourself to learn something new every day. Never underestimate your abilities and don’t let anyone else either. You have the mind and the strength to do great things, but you must combine those with willpower and a positive attitude. Where ever you go, whatever you do, I’ll never forget you! Always do your best and make me proud!

Mrs. Rorrer
“The Goodest”

1 comment:

  1. awhh Mrs. Rorrer i still have this. it really touched my heart and im glad we have helped you because you sure did help us. We will never forget you!
