Saturday, November 21, 2009

Grandma's Table

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.”
~Anthony Brandt

In my family, birthdays are as special as holidays. A time to celebrate the individual, the uniqueness found in each person that makes our family special. We often gather at Grandma’s house, where her best dumplings are served and love is spelled with a slice of warm, buttery cornbread. Kids scream for the corner piece of cake loaded with icing and then flash their blue-tooth icing grin from ear to ear. These are happy times that make wonderful memories.

Growing up, I was the oldest grandchild. I used to run and chase my cousins, teasing them the way my youngest uncles teased me. Now, I’m almost 30, and most of those little boys have all grown up, making me the “little” cousin. I now have the joy of watching my daughter burst through the door to Grandma’s house with the same eagerness I had as a child. She explores the many rooms and has her own secret hideout just as I used to.

But there’s nothing like meal time, when we all sit down together. We pass the mashed potatoes and get an extra helping of macaroni and cheese. Everyone is smiling and laughing as we all stuff our bellies. I’ve always known there was something special about Grandma’s table, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Last week while celebrating my younger cousin’s birthday, I realized what it is. It’s Family. It’s those people who love you no matter how near or far you choose to go…and it’s the love of a woman who holds them all together. It’s knowing that no matter how grown up you get (or think you are) there will always be a place for you here. It’s the one constant in an ever-changing world and that place you know you belong.

I’m finally old enough to recognize it, yet still young enough to enjoy it. And thankfully, I’m at just the right age to appreciate its true value.

For me, coming to Grandma’s table - whether it is for a birthday, holiday, or just stopping by for lunch - is sort of like a homecoming for me. It’s a part of my roots—a piece that has made me who I am today. This Thanksgiving I will be thanking God with a new level of gratitude. I’m looking beyond the turkey, the stuffing, and the pumpkin pie to where the heart of my family resides…And that is Grandma’s table.

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